Paolo Nappi
No Italian is ever that far from the sea, growing up in a peninsular country, surrounded by water, but when Paolo’s Parents bought a beach house right on the sea front, overlooking Elba Island, it wasn’t long before the whole family would spend every weekend and summer holiday by the sea.
Paolo soon convinced his father to help him buy a Finot design sailing boat called a Comet 800 (24 feet), and his love affair with the sea and sailing has continued to grow while he has bought, sailed and raced his next three boats, all ascending in size.
When he met his wife Jenny, another sailor at heart, they hatched a plan to give up their desk jobs, (Paolo was a Notary in Siena) and sail around the world, starting in his back yard – the Mediterranean.
After 40 years of sailing the Med, Paolo moved on board Sea Pearl with Jenny full time, and sailed across the Atlantic, to continue their circumnavigation for the next 10+ years. Sailing to some of the unique and out of the way corners of the globe in their own Oyster.
Sailing with Paolo and Jenny can give you a unique incite into what it would be like to liveaboard your own cruising home, and experience for yourself, the thrill of helming this beautiful 56 foot yacht, trimming the sails, dropping the anchor and a whole lot more. Paolo is a very calm and experienced skipper and teacher, who will make you feel safe and confident, while you achieve many firsts on board Sea Pearl.