White sand beaches, amazing diving and a tropical climate, Fiji is everything you dreamt it would be and more.
An archipelago of over 333 islands, almost four percent of the world’s coral reefs line the islands’ coasts, teeming with more than 1,500 different marine life species. When you arrive, everyone you meet will greet you with a cheery “Bula!” – Fijian for hello. You will find a warm welcome, especially on the outlying islands where visitors are rare. There is a strong culture of feasting and exchanging gifts on special occasions and sharing food (in vast quantities!) and is at the heart of traditional life. You will be toasted with Kava which is drunk at ceremonies and socially. Down in one is the polite way to drink it – usually from a coconut shell. Enjoy the contrast between the buzzing capital Suva on Viti Levu and the many uninhabited islands.