Vanua Balavu

Vanua Balavu (Long Island) is the main island of the northern Lau Group that sits in a stunning lagoon inside a 130km long barrier reef. The most scenic of Lau’s islands, it is characterized by steep undercut cliffs, fertile volcanic soil and many natural hot springs.

The extensive reef systems include the Bay of Islands, aka Qilaqila. Visitors normally need to observe the traditional sevusevu ceremony (presenting bundles of waka roots to the village chief) to gain permission to visit from the village elders of Daliconi. The Oyster World Rally team organises clearance into Fiji at Vanua Balavu and sets up a unique sevusevu for the skippers and crews. You will find the island very calm and quiet, with no restaurants, bars or nightclubs – in fact, there are very few facilities at all on Vanua Balavu. Most people live in one of the handful of tiny villages, the largest being Lomaloma on the southeast coast, which has a few shops, a bakery and a post office. There is no mains power on the island and most villagers rely on solar panels for power.

Next destination


  • Experience a traditional sevusevu ceremony with the elders of Daliconi Village.
  • Explore the many inlets and caves by dinghy.
  • Meet the locals and experience their laid-back way of life.
  • Take the local bus to Lomaloma and soak up the beautiful island.
  • Visit the Royal Exploring Isles Yacht Squadron, located on the point of a snug little cove about halfway down the western side of the Turquoise Harbour.
  • Take a guided tour of the sacred burial caves between Narocivo and Namalata villages. Do not miss the cave where the God of Shells is said to live.


A flavour of Vanua Balavu


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