It all started more or less by accident in an attempt to build a one-off racing yacht tax efficiently. We won races and at the end of the season we were approached by potential buyers asking “Where can I get one of these” – the rest is history.
Sailing is a disease for life for which there is no antidote. Design is the key to success. Design and build great boats and look after your customers - they will come back for more again and again.
A lack of confidence in the future. We should all inspire potential buyers with the philosophy that they should look at yacht and boat ownership as an investment in a longer life to enjoy with family and friends.
One of the many joys of being in the yachting industry is that it takes us to so many amazing places that most people can only dream about. I love Antigua, Bora Bora and the Quarters Anchorage at home in Mersea Island Essex.
Things over which I have no control. Look after the things you can influence, plan for the worst and hope for the best has always been my maxim, in business and life.
Is one shared with good friends, preferably in a nice anchorage with a lovely sunset aboard Midnight my Oyster 82. The food and wine are less important than sharing and enjoying camaraderie with people you care about.
Support of my special friends – they are the ones who are always there for you unconditionally and regardless of circumstances.
I’m a lover, not a fighter, I avoid situations that require a fight.
People say we were clever to build Oyster Yachts into a global brand. I’d say it was half luck and the other half making what turned out to be crucial decisions at the right time. Focussing on cruising yachts, being passionate about quality and selling internationally in the early years are all pointers into what the Oyster brand represents today.
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